
143 results
Crucifix Necklace for Baby, Sterling Silver 13"
Crucifix Pendant Box
Crucifix Pendant Box
Crucifix Pendant Box
Damien - St. Damien of Molokai Medal
Dennis - St. Dennis Medal 6 Options
Dominic - St. Dominic Savio Medal 6 Options
Dorothy - St. Dorothy Medal 6 Options
Dymphna - St. Dymphna Medal 6 Options
Edith - St. Edith Stein Medal 6 Options
Elizabeth - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal 6 Options
Elizabeth - St. Elizabeth of Hungary Medal 6 Options
Emily - St. Emily de Vialar Medal 6 Options
Eustachius - St Eustachius Medal Sterling Silver
Francis - St. Francis de Sales Medal 6 Options
Francis - St. Francis of Assisi Medal 6 Options
Francis - St. Francis Xavier Medal 6 Options
Gabriel - St. Gabriel the Archangel Medal 6 Options
George - St. George Medal 6 Options
Gerald - St. Gerald Medal 2 Options
Gerard - St. Gerard Majella Medal 6 Options
Guardian Angel - Sterling Baby Pendant Boxed
Helen - St. Helen Medal 6 Options
Ignatius - St. Ignatius of Loyola Medal 6 Options
Isidore - St. Isidore the Farmer Medal 6 Options
James - St. James the Greater Medal 6 Options
Jerome - St. Jerome Medal 6 Options
Joachim - St. Joachim Medal 6 Options
Joan - St. Joan of Arc Medal 6 Options
John - St. John Neumann Medal 6 Options
John - St. John Paul II Medal 6 Options
John - St. John the Baptist Medal 6 Options
Joshua - St. Joshua Medal 6 Options
Jude - St. Jude Thaddeus Medal 6 Options
Kateri - St. Kateri Medal 6 Options
Luke - St. Luke the Evangelist Medal 6 Options
143 results