Isidore - Saint Isidore Holy Card

SKU: E24-454

Saint Isidore Prayer

Almighty God and Father of all,
You give to man the opportunity to harvest
the good things of Your
creation and to build up Your Kingdom.
By the prayers and holy example of
Saint Isidore, inspire us to be diligent in
our laboring and to have trustful hearts
that rely totally on Your loving providence.
Help us to care for creation and use it
for its highest good; bring true charity
to those around us. Through the
intercession of Your faithful servant
St. Isidore, help all who sow and reap
to abound in rich harvests.
May all who work the land be treated
fairly and be allowed to share
in the fruits of their labor.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Your Son, Who lives and reigns
with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

St. Isidore the Farmer,
pray for us!